Everyday as I click on a recipe or a blog link, I keep discovering talented people and wonderful blogs. I have only recently discovered Briana Brownlow’s blog, Figs with Bri, and I really wish I had found it under different circumstances. Bri is fighting cancer and some wonderful people have decided to support her and help her fight. If you would like to help Bri, go to the end of this post and you will find all the information you need about the event that Bee and Jai of jugalbandi have organized.
I decided to share this recipe for Rhubarb Raspberry Galette with you today because it feels to me like a comforting dessert. Something you would bring to a friend’s house when they’re feeling down or just to say: “Hey, let’s have a cup of coffee and talk”.
Although rhubarb is classically paired with strawberries, the raspberries are wonderful in this. The raspberries I used were a bit tart so the galette didn’t turn out overly sweet and you could still taste the tartness of the rhubarb as well. I'm telling you, these are the perfect excuse to forget about housework, visit a friend and have a nice chat.
Rhubarb Black Raspberry Galettes
Canadian Living Magazine June 2008
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 tbsp. granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup cold unsalted butter, cubed
3 tbsp. sour cream
1/2 cup ice water (approx.)
1 cup granulated sugar
3 tbsp. cornstarch
5 cups sliced fresh rhubarb
1 1/2 cups black or red raspberries
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 cup dry bread crumbs
2 tbsp. butter, softened (I forgot this, oops…)
1 egg yolk
In bowl, mix together flour, cornmeal, sugar and salt; using pastry blender or 2 knives, cut in butter until in large crumbs. In glass measure, whisk sour cream with water; drizzle over flour mixture, tossing with fork until dough comes together and adding up to 1 tbsp more water if necessary. Divide into 6 pieces. Shape each into disc. Wrap each in plastic wrap; refrigerate for 30 minutes or until chilled. (Make-ahead: Refrigerate for up to 24 hours.)
Filling: Remove 2 tbsp of the sugar and set aside for sprinkling over galettes. Whisk remaining sugar with cornstarch; set aside.
In large bowl, toss together sliced rhubarb, berries, lemon juice and cornstarch mixture.
On lightly floured surface, roll out each disc of pastry to 8-1/2 inch circle, leaving edge ragged. Arrange 3 of each on 2 large parchment paper-lined baking sheets.
Sprinkle center of each with bread crumbs. Spoon 1 cup rhubarb mixture over top; dot with 1 tsp butter. Lift pastry up over filling to form about 5-inch circle, letting pastry fall naturally into folds around edge and leaving center uncovered. (Make ahead: Cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours.)
Glaze: Beat egg yolk with 1 tbsp water; brush over pastry. Sprinkle with reserved sugar.
Bake in top and bottom thirds of 425F oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350F; bake for 10 minutes. Switch and rotate pans. Bake for about 15 minutes or until filling is bubbly and crust in golden. Let cool on rack for 15 minutes.
This is an appeal on behalf of a group of food bloggers who are friends of Briana Brownlow @ Figs With Bri.
Bri was diagnosed with breast cancer two and half years ago. A mastectomy, chemotherapy and two years of relatively good health later, the cancer is back. It has metastasized to other parts of her body. At the age of 15, Bri lost her 41-year old mother to the disease. Now, she’s waging her own war against breast cancer. More about it here.
She is going through intensive chemo and other treatments and needs to focus single-mindedly on healing and finding what treatment works best for her. Her health insurance, unfortunately, does not cover holistic alternatives which she would like to try. Bri and her husband Marc have enough on their plates right now in addition to worrying about her medical bills.
The team organising the JUNE edition of CLICK at Jugalbandi has organised a fundraiser to help Bri and her family meet her out-of-pocket medical costs for ONE YEAR.
CLICK is a monthly theme-based photography contest hosted by Jugalbandi. This month’s theme is: YELLOW for BriYellow is the colour of hope. Through the work of the LiveStrong Foundation, it has also come to signify the fight against cancer.
The entries can be viewed HERE. The deadline for entries is June 30, 2008. The fundraiser will extend until July 15, 2008.
The target amount is 12,000 U.S. dollars. We appeal to our fellow bloggers and readers to help us achieve this. Bri deserves a chance to explore all options, even if her insurance company thinks otherwise.
There’s a raffle with exciting prizes on offer. After viewing the list, you may make your donation HERE or at the Chip-In button on any participating site. Your donation can be made securely through credit card or Pay Pal and goes directly to Bri’s account.
This month’s photo contest also has some prizes. Details HERE.
You can support this campaign by donating to the fundraiser, by participating in CLICK: the photo event, and by publicising
this campaign.
This looks fabulous!
We live in Texas and can not find rhubarb anywhere!
My mom went to Ohio a few weeks ago and brought some back for us! So yummy! Great pic. BTW
What a sweet post! Loved that you phrased this dessert as, "Something you would bring to a friend's house when they're feeling down or just want to say: Hey, let's have a cup of coffee and talk."
It makes me want to try this recipe even more.
I have yet to try rhubarb anything, and have been keeping an eye out for tempting recipes. This may be the one that pushes me to step into the unknown. Thanks for sharing.
That galette looks really good! I like the sound of pairing blackberries with rhubarb.
thank you so much for your support.
I do not like rhubarb unfortunately... The blogging community is wonderful! :)
Oh, you're teasing me-- we have neither rhubarb nor raspberries down here! (Well, there's rhubarb and strawberries a 5-hour drive away, and raspberries-- frozen, ugh). It does look very comforting :)
Thanks for writing about Bri-- I think I'll check the money meter again!
is this a comforting dessert? that's an understatement.
is this a lovely post? definitely.
is this a worthy cause? unbelievably so.
thanks for the early-morning inspiration! :)
What a sweet post, and for such a good cause, too. Food bloggers are amazing people.
The galette looks delicious!
LyB, you are right, we are a very united community. And even though you pointed out you haven't been blogging for long, I'm glad you started, since you are such a talented cook/baker and a generous and kind person!
This really looks comforting and oh, so delicious!
This was a very touching post LyB. And you gave us a wonderful dessert recipe as well. This a great way to start thew the day.
I am brewing coffee right this minute then! Thank you for helping spread the word and the good wished for Bri. The galette is scrumptious!
What a sweet post, and your galette is gorgeous. I will be getting my hands on some rhubarb from Alaska, and might have to try this next week. Thanks for sharing. Great photos.
ooh this has been tagged! great recipe!
and yes, the blogging community is so great. i love it since i'm fairly new too! :)
That looks like the perfect way to cheer up a friend. I need to get some rhubarb so I can make this!
I positively adore fruit galettes. And I'm still not tired of rhubarb despite having eaten obscene amounts of it. It looks fabulous!
That is a beautiful galette!
I am proud to be part of this wonderful community.
Looks yummy! I just started using rhubarb and I love it!
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