Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesdays With Dorie - Summer Fruit Galette

From the moment I read the recipe for Dorie's Summer Fruit Galette, I knew I wanted to make it with peaches. But, I also knew I couldn't get Martin to buy peaches if they weren't Ontario peaches. They're the only ones we ever buy and they weren't in season yet.

So fast forward to this past weekend when we're at the store to get a few things for dinner and there they are, baskets full of gorgeous, ripe, fragrant Ontario peaches. Woohoo! As Homer would say. Since I had no problems with the Good for Everything Pie Dough for the Blueberry Pie a few weeks back, except for the fact that I found it too buttery, I decided to tweak it just a bit and reduce the butter by a few tablespoons. That did the trick.

I actually preferred the taste and texture of the crust this way. And it came together just as easily. I used amaretti cookies instead of graham crackers to absorb some of the juices, and peach jam, just to make sure the peach taste would come through. And I tossed my sliced peaches with a little cornstarch before assembling the galette as I didn't want it to leak.

The part I wasn't so sure about was the custard. But it was delicious! I love how it made the peaches glossy and the creaminess it gave to the galette was just right.

I can't think of one thing I didn't like about this recipe, except maybe that it was gone too quickly! That's entirely my fault though as I halved the galette recipe. But I do have enough pie dough in the freezer to make another one, that's not too shabby!

For the recipe, visit Michelle in Colorado Springs, she chose this beauty! I can't wait to see what the rest of the Tuesdays with Dorie gang came up with this week!

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allison said...

Wonderful-looking galette!

Anonymous said...

I also did a peach galette and thought the flavor was wonderful. Nice job!

Have a delicious day :)

Unknown said...

That looks just beautiful - shiny, glossy fruit. Glad the peaches made their appearance for you!

Manggy said...

Ooh, with the juices just barely hanging on like that and the light buttery flakes of the pastry falling off, it sure looks like a winner, Lynne! As Homer would say, "Mmmm.... Pie." :P

ostwestwind said...

Amarettini work great, do they. Your pie looks wonderful!

Ulrike from Küchenlatein

Anonymous said...

That is truly mouthwatering. The crust looks perfect - this is very good timing, as I was just thinking about what to get from the farmer's market around the corner from work here...peaches, I think.

Our western NY peaches are probably on the same schedule as your Ontario ones, and they are just showing up as well.

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious! Glad you found your peaches!

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing baker, and so talented with a camera! Absolutely gorgeous!

Engineer Baker said...

Sounds delicious - lucky you to find some Ontario peaches! I think another galette's on the horizon :)

Anonymous said...

That first picture of a peach is gorgeous! I cut some of the butter as well and it was just fine.

The Kitchen Vixen said...

wow your crust looks super flakey and fab! great job!

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

I love your pics! They are amazing. Peach sounded and looks really good!

Christine said...

Your galette looks delicious!

Susie Homemaker said...

ooooh, look how flaky! looks delish!

Summertime said...

You galette looks simply incredible. It's making me lust after peaches, lol! Great job!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that you found the peaches you needed. It looks terribly good.

Prudy said...

That's gorgeous, just gorgeous. I did a white peach, but it didn't look quite as tempting.

Nancy/n.o.e said...

I did peach also (with raspberries) and it was sooo good. Next time I'll follow your lead and cut the butter just a bit. Beautiful pix of a beautiful dessert!

Anonymous said...

Your galette looks beautiful! I used peaches too and thought it was delicious!

test it comm said...

That looks so good! The crust is nice and golden brown.

Heather B said...

It looks delicious! Great job!

ChichaJo said...

That crust looks so flaky and amazing! I want to pinch off a piece!

And the peaches...oooooh!

grace said...

i declare, lyb. you've got a knack for taking some of the most appetizing pictures i've ever seen.
ah, the risks of halving a recipe. it's a great move when the dish turns out to be less than stellar, but a real stinker when it's delicious like this! :)

Mari said...

Those peaches look gorgeous and your galette mouthwatering!

Alexa said...

This looks so warm and inviting. The crust looks melt-in your mouth good and the peaches sweet and juicy.

Beryl said...

Gorgeous photos! Makes me hungry!

Ginny said...

I'm drooling! I love summer peaches...can't wait for them to get a little bit riper around here and then I think I know what to do with them! :)

CB said...

You like Simpsons? I LOVE Simpsons! Homer is my favorite. Ralph is a second favorite. LOL. I agree. The custard was amazing with the fruit and dough. Yours look delish! Great job!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought

Jacque said...

MMmm, that looks fantastic! I thought the custard was good too, I'm glad I didn't leave it out. It does make the peaches look nice.

Gigi said...

Galette looks sensational! What a great way to use peaches!

Jules Someone said...

Is there such a thing as too much butter???? Gorgeous!

Dolores said...

Wow, your peach galette is gorgeous. I love the idea of replacing the graham crackers with amaretti.

Cookie baker Lynn said...

I agree, there's nothing to not love about this galette! (Too many negatives in that sentence?) The peaches, the pictures, and the gorgeous crust have got me drooling.

Anonymous said...

I have never tried making a galette, but I really think I'd like it! Looks wonderful. That first photo of the peach has my mouth watering.

Elle said...

Oh my gosh, it looks fabulous! And it's making my stomach rumble. Even if I ate dinner only an hour ago.

Unknown said...

I'm a little late with my comment, but your galette looks gorgeous! Everything about it looks delicious!