Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TWD - Savory Corn and Pepper Muffins

Thanks to Rebecca of Ezra Pound Cake who chose this week's TWD recipe, I learned a few things. I already knew that I liked cornbread/corn muffins with chili, so I decided to make some chili this past weekend. But, since I was trying the Savory Corn and Pepper Muffins recipe for the first time, I thought why not try a new chili recipe too! Ding, ding, ding! First thing I learned this week: I LOVE chunky chili! I had always made chili with ground beef but this recipe from Elise at Simply Recipes is made with beef chunks and it is delicious!

OK, so this is supposed to be all about the muffins, right? Right. So the recipe calls for "yellow cornmeal, preferably stone-ground". Since I had never tried stone-ground cornmeal, I decided it was about time. Second thing I learned this week: organic, stone-ground cornmeal actually smells (and tastes) like corn! Imagine that. Seriously, I was totally surprised. I don't think I'll ever buy anything else again. It smells so good!

Third thing I learned this week: Dorie really knows her corn muffins! I made these without the Jalapeno pepper because, well, I wanted the kids to at least taste them! I used green bell pepper instead and it was really good. I'd like to try them a little spicier at some point but for now, I'm happy with the sweet/savory little muffins I ended up with.

Don't forget to visit Rebecca's blog for the muffin recipe, Elise for the chili recipe and the rest of the Tuesdays with Dorie bakers for a myriad of corn muffin variations.
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Mari said...

Yummy! That chili looks great! There is no better combo then corn bread and chili!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm chunky chili with your delicious cornbread! Can I come over???

Unknown said...

Wow, the chili and muffins look amazing! Great job.

Cooking for Comfort by Jennifer said...

You did a fabulous job!!!!

Isabelle Lambert said...

je fais mon chili avec des cubes de bison et au café..c'est memoun !!
nous avons beaucoup aimé ces muffins...c'est vrai qu'avec le chili, c'est le match parfait :)

Sara said...

These look great, I love corn muffins. I don't usually make savory ones, but I'll have to try this.

Anonymous said...

That's great that you found a chili recipe you like. And you must try them with a little spicy pepper in them. Yum.

chocolatechic said...

These were so great.

We loved them.

Your chili looks wonderful too.

Beryl said...

Your pictures are gorgeous! I didn't have stone ground corn meal this time- I will definitely get some for my next batch.

Anonymous said...

When my boys were little, they would not eat the "hoty hoty" ingredients either, but now, at age 16, they are absolutely crazy for the "hoty hoty" in all recipes. LOL. It will come. Yours look very lovely...and I always learn something over here!

TeaLady said...

Stone ground is sooooo much better than the commercial dust from A. Jem. Muffins look great. Chili looks nice and warming. Great job.

Amy of Sing For Your Supper said...

Wow, it looks great - the chili and the muffins!! Nice job!!


Anonymous said...

It is lunchtime for me right now and I'm liking the looks of this chili soooooo much! Oh, and the muffins as well!!

BAKE-EN said...

Both your muffins and chili look delish. I loved the stone ground cornmeal in this recipe, but now I have a 5# bag of the stuff! Looks like there will be a lot of cornmeal in my life soon.

ostwestwind said...

I used my last corn meal for this ...

Great looking muffins.

Ulrike from Küchenlatein

Anonymous said...

These pictures look tasty enough to eat! What time is dinner?! I'm bringing guests :)

Leslie said...

Your photos are beautiful! I'm so glad you liked these muffins and were pleased with the chili!

Jamie said...

That chili looks fab, beautiful muffins too!

AmyRuth said...

Lyb, these sound good for tonights dinner. Its so cold today. Its relative but its 17 right now. Yours really look good. I had an orange and yellow bell pepper no red. Think it looks way prettier with red. Next time. Great post and I like the photo with the cut open muffin. Thank you for visiting me.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked them. Your pictures are gorgeous. Great job!

Danielle said...

I love your picture taking skills, I need to figure out how you guys take such great photos!
Your muffins came out great good job!

vibi said...

Menoum, menoum... avec du chili!!! Wow... c'est quand que je vais souper chez toi déjà??? LOL
Super, LyB!

grace said...

i've gotten to the point where chili isn't chili without some cornbread to go with it. i'm glad you discovered the wonders of stone-ground cornmeal!

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

I never ate corn muffins before. This looks really good with chili.

Engineer Baker said...

Too funny - cornmeal that actually tastes like corn?! Amazing! :) Beautiful muffins, and now I wish I had made chili to eat with mine...

Marthe said...

Perfect-looking muffins!

Carol Peterman/TableFare said...

Oh, yes, stone-ground corn meal is good stuff. Your Chili looks wonderful too.

Anonymous said...

Now, I've got to track down the stone-ground. Thanks for sharing the chili recipe! We're on the hunt for a good one.

Jacque said...

Sounds like a good week! Isn't it nice making new (good) discoveries?

It all looks wonderful :)

pigpigscorner said...

oo that chili dish looks amazing! love the colours of the muffin.

Nancy/n.o.e said...

I tried a new chili recipe with my muffins too (should be posting about it today or tomorrow). Good to know Elise's recipe is so tasty. I've made chili with chunks of meat before and it's good that way. And we loved these muffins too! The hot peppers added flavor more than heat per se.

Cathy said...

Oh, these muffins look FABULOUS with that chunky chili. I used regular cornmeal because the one grocery store I stopped at did not have stone ground, but you've convinced me that I need to try these with the good stuff next time. So glad that they were a hit!

Nic said...

I haven't had cornbread since I lived in the States. These look fantastic and bring back memories!

Jayne said...

Your photos look great - the cornbread and the chili - the perfect winter combination! Nice job!

Rachel said...

I made chili with mine too! Looks great!

Linda said...

Wowza- both your chili and corn muffins turned out amazing!!!
And I totally agree stone ground cornmeal is the only way to go.

spike. said...

the muffins and chili both look great. Wish I was having that for lunch today!

CB said...

I know I am suppose to comment on the muffin but that beef chunk chili looks darn tasty! Gimme some of that!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought

Lynne Daley said...

Great looking corn muffins and the photographs are gorgeous!

Dazy said...

Hey I too tried baking cup cakes and muffins just after my exams got over. I go weak in the knees with a mention of muffins and cakes.

Rosemaryandthegoat said...

Great looking muffins. I make jalapeno cornbread all the time. I will be trying these. Stop by at
www.rosemaryandthegoat.com for a visit.