Alrighty then! It's Tuesday and we all know what that means! Claudia of Fool for Food chose Dorie's Chocolate Chunkers for this week's installment of Tuesdays with Dorie. These cookies are not called chunkers for nothing folks. They are full of "crunchies" as Dorie calls them. Too much crunchies for me, to tell you the truth.
I don't mean to say that these weren't good, because that wouldn't be true. I ate one or two, but I felt it was like eating a handful of cranberries, nuts and chocolate chips. Not enough cookie dough for my tastes. Martin liked them a lot and so did his coworkers. The kids, well, they said I should leave out the cranberries next time. Typical. So I guess we can say the opinions are mixed on this one. Honestly, I'd rather tweak last week's Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops and change the add-ins than make these again.
If you like chunky cookies with lots and lots of "crunchies", turn to page 70 of Baking from my Home to Yours or visit Claudia for the recipe. And don't forget to go see what the rest of the group thought of the cookies! Me, I'll stick with my underbaked Whopper Drops and Peanut Butter Chipsters, thank you very much. :)

I thought these were fab!!!
Right up there with the Granola Grabbers.
What fantastic looking photos! Your cookies look decadently rich and fabulous! Well done you!
whoa! yours really are full of chunkies! i left out the fruit, don't like raisins in cookies, so i am newly glad i did, based on your experience! still, gorgeous photos...
I love that I can see each of the different things - mine were all sorta lost in the cookie. I agree though, last week's are my favorite over these.
Sorry you didn't like these.... I absolutely loved them and will surely be makeing them again!
je les ai bien aimés, mais j'en ai mangés de bien meilleurs et...beaucoup moins dispendieux à faire :)
Belles photos Lyb :)
Yours look super chunky. The pictures came out awesome. Bummer you werent a fan but can't win them all right? There's always next week!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought
Sorry it wasn't a 100% slam-dunk, but there'll always be a chunker lover out there somewhere (me included... Though I'm not prejudiced-- I love dough too!)
These look delicious! I wanted to try the cranberries...should I hold off?
Woahhh! Jamais on ne s'imaginerait qu'une telle recette pouvait donner des résultats si différents!
Les tiens ont l'air ma foi... délicieux!
I love the pictures of your little chunkers! Sorry they weren't a hit, but they look fab.
We thought of doing this with ours, but changed our minds!
Looks great!
My hubby wonders why all those good cookie recipe have all this additional crap additions like fruit bits and raisins. He said why ruin a good cookie! I made mine half with olden raisins and half with out. we all liked the ones without the best!
Your cookies look tasty!
Wow, your cookies look absolutely delish! Lovely photos. I used cranberries in mine too.
I skipped the fruit, and they were excellent. I did try adding coconut to some, but they weren't as good.
I loved these cookies, but I am still not sure what is holding all the chunks together.
You are so honest! Thanks for the advice, I'll take it. :)
I loved these! yours look AMAZING with the cranberries and pecans!!
hmm i agree -- they do look a little chunky for me too... but those pics sure are pretty!
These were labeled best cookies ever in my house! Your photos really show these cookies up great job!
I really like your take on it.
They look wonderful, but there are tons of add ins. Sorry they weren't your faves.
I think I would side with you on this one...seems too be too much in one cookie! Your photos look excellent as always! :)
Your pictures are lovely, enough to make a "chunker-lover" like me drool!
Sorry you didn't like them. Hope you can find them some appreciative eaters!
I wasn't a massive fan of these either. I wanted to use cranberries or cherries and pecans but my boyfriend wouldn't allow it! They would have been better that way I think.
wow--your cookies are absolutely packed with add-ins! i can definitely understand where you're coming from--it's important to have an ample amount of cookie dough in a cookie. :)
I cut down the quantity of stir-ins, and ended up with more cookie. I liked these tons more than the whopper ones, but I'm not a fan of malt. or soft cookies. I guess that's why there's a whole cookie chapter, right? Yours look amazing!
I'm right there with you on liking the chocolate malted whopper drops more. Your cookies look great though!
Yours look super crunchy! Yum!
These were my favorite! Lots of chunkies, I agree. Great photos!
Your cookies look great, I just made two types of muffins from Dorie's book!
These cookies look fantastic, but maybe ice cream would have helped all that added chunkiness go down. According to my husband, ice cream makes EVERYTHING taste better.
I beg to differ.
Just looking at the picture I'll like to grab one. Good job.
These look amazing!
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