Alright, we're back! Man, let me tell you, these biscuits, scones, little bread-type-sweet-potato-thingies, whatever you want to call them, are well worth the wait! A little cinnamon, a little nutmeg, a grating of tonka bean just for fun, a cup-a sweet potatoes and a bit of buttermilk to help the process along, a sprinkling of coarse sugar for texture and about 25 minutes later these beauties come out of the oven fluffy, puffy and golden. Just a whiff of their sweet-savory aroma will make you want to put on a warm wool sweater, a comfy pair of boots and go walking in the crunchy fall leaves.
Thank you Erin, aka Prudence Pennywise, what a great choice of recipe! Please visit Erin's blog for the Sweet Potato Biscuits recipe (as a bonus, she also has a Sweet Potato Roll recipe in the same post. Score!). And have a look at the rest of the Tuesdays with Dorie blogroll, you never know what tasty variations you'll find each week!

You really have made them sound like a delicious touch of Fall. Well done!
They look really good! haha... these did seem like little bread-type-sweet-potato-thingies.
Eille! hein? J'te jure... par chance qu'ils étaient rapides à faire parce que t'aurais pas pu publier aujourd'hui! LOL
J'te taquine! Ils sont superbes!
love the thought of the course sugar on them. That wounds like it would add just the right tough of texture to them. :)
These look great! Mine were more on the flat side, still good though! I guess I'm not an expert biscuit-maker. The photos are fantastic - really captures the texture of them - well done!
Mmmm, yours look so cute and tasty!
I love that you made them into scone shapes! Looking good!
How lovely, would never have picked these from the book, but you made them look very tempting!
Those look tall and beautiful. Wow!! Great!
So beautiful! I had to add a touch of buttermilk to mine as well o get the dough to come together. I thought they were delicious.
Those look fabulous!
Looks really delicious.
Wow... THAT looks gooood!
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