Wednesday, January 14, 2009

One Year Ago and Another Caramel Post

One year ago today, I was posting about Chocolate Covered Fleur de Sel Caramels, trying to figure out how the heck to work with Blogger, and hoping this little blog would be of interest to one or two people. Little did I know that a year later, I would be posting about caramel again (again!), that I would still be trying to figure blogger out (how the heck do I create a recipe index?) and that I would be part of the fabulous Food Blogging community. Countless times I've turned to food blogs for tips, answers and inspiration and I haven't been disappointed. There is so much talent and creativity out there, in the blogging world, I just hope I've contributed to it a little bit. Of course, this blog would be a lot less fun without all of your comments and I want to thank everyone who took the time to read and comment, it means a lot to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love you guys!

Caramel popcorn is one of my favorite things in the world and I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing, but I've found a foolproof recipe to make it myself. It is crazy good and easy to make. Really, I could make it every day! Well, OK, maybe every week, because this makes A LOT of caramel popcorn.

The first blog post I saw about caramel popcorn was on Aimée's blog. She had presented it in such a creative way and I've been itching to make some ever since. I used this recipe from The Amateur Gourmet which is very similar to Aimée's only that it doesn't require a candy thermometer and it's called Never Fail Caramel Corn. With a title like that, how could I not try it? For the popcorn itself, I turned to Elise and found the Perfect Popcorn Recipe. My microwave is going to feel very lonely on movie night from now on!

See? I told you I found tips and inspiration from other food blogs! My blogroll is getting longer every day, and that's a good thing! I just wish there were more hours in a day so I could visit more blogs, cook more, bake more, take many, many more photos and oh, yes, maybe bake a little more. :) Here's to another fun year!
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Sarah said...

happy blogiversary! i really enjoy reading your blog and love hearing from you on my blog. here is to many posts!

Elle said...

Happy Blogiversary to you, Happy Blogiversary to you...!

What a great year you've had! the caramel corn looks spectacular. mmm!!

Nic said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!
I loved your blog the first time I found it and am so happy that you kept up with it, we should be thanking you! What sort of recipe index do you want?
Here's to the next wonderful year!
Oh, and that caramel corn looks delish too.

Rachelle S said...

Happy Blogoversary! The popcorn looks soo yummy!

I forget how I made my "menu list", something to do with my labels, and the elements page. As for being on a seprate pg of it's own, I have no idea other than making it an entry, then linking to it. Sorry to confuse you, Good luck! Love your blog!

PheMom said...

Happy Blogiversary! We are only 10 days apart (mine was the 4th). You are always inspiring to me. This caramel corn does look crazy good and I can't wait to try it!!! Here is to a spectacular year to come!

Anonymous said...

One year old! Congrats my friend :) I'm so glad you joined our little blogging world. I love your blog :)
PS - just got the Thin Mints. Will send them out by Monday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!! Your caramel corn looks absolutely delicious. What a great year you've had.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Happay Blogiversary! I wish you many, many more!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! :) Looks great! I love reading your blog...a highlight of my week! :)

Aimée said...

I could eat a whole batch of this right now. Not a good idea to be surfing just before dinner, I might so something impulsive!
Thanks for the shout out. I adore caramel corn too, but as I have no self-control in that area, I can't make it to often.

Mari said...

You've definitely done an amazing job in one year's time! Congrats my dear! I'll be dreaming sweet dreams of caramel popcorn tonite!

Engineer Baker said...

Happy Blogiversary! Caramel then, caramel now, oh-so-tasty then and now :)

Sara said...

Happy blogiversary! Your caramel corn looks fabulous, I need to make some soon!

Anonymous said...

holy spectacular popcorn madam - and congratulations on your anniversary!

vibi said...

Ouin... faut croire que tes espérances ont été bien dépassées, hein!? Félicitations LyB!!! Tu le mérites grandement! Mille Bravo!

Pis en plus de ça, je te pique ta recette de pop corn, ça fait une éternité que j'en cherche une et jamais j'en avais vu d'aussi réussi! Il est mieux d'être aussi bon... sinon, je reviens me plaindre à l'auteure!!! LOL LOL LOL

javapot said...

These do look great and yours are so evenly coated compared to ones from the cinema. I hope to try these soon, tks for sharing all your tips!!

Brilynn said...

Oh how I love caramel corn! I just made some last night and added a little spice to it. It's so addictive. It should have lasted all week but was gone my this afternoon, I just couldn't stop snacking on it.
Happy Blogiversary!

Susan @ SGCC said...

Happy Blogiversary! Time flies when you're having fun, doesn't it? You've done a great job with this blog and I'm looking forward to lots more deliciousness in the coming year!

pigpigscorner said...

Happy blogiversary! yes, there's so much out there and I learn something everyday!

grace said...

you've achieved so much in the last year--bravo! i've honestly enjoyed every visit to your blog and every comment you've left for me. :)

Jacque said...

Oooh, does that ever look good! I love caramel corn too... ever since I worked in the mall, across from the "KarmelKorn" store.

I'll have to print out the recipe. Thanks!

Alejandra Ramos said...

Happy Blogiversary! I just celebrated my one-year also! I love the caramel corn!

Manggy said...

Happy blogiversary Lynne! Oh, you're way too modest! The blog world wouldn't be the same without you, my dear :)

Creepily apt captcha: boost

La Cuisine d'Helene said...

Happy Blogiversary! I'm glad I discovered your blog and I follow it.

If I make this batch of popcorn I'll eat it all.

Anonymous said...

Happy blogiversary! Well done! :D And wow, that caramel corn looks amazing. I think I just drooled on my keyboard.

a.k.a. The Hungry Mouse

AmyRuth said...

Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your blog. I think you can just tell how wonderful people are by the way they write about their affection for food.
Happy Blogging. You are among those who inspire.

Di said...

Happy blogiversary! I'm going to have to check out the chocolate caramel recipe. Sounds yummy. =)

Gigi said...

Happy Blogiversary! The popcorn looks delish! Well, everything on your blog is always DELICIOUS looking. I can't wait to see what amazing things you create.

Julie said...

Bravo, Bravo, Bravo! 1 an de recettes et de partages culinaire ça se fête!!!! Pourvu qu'on puisse te lire et te visiter encore très longtemps! Ces pop-corn au caramel sont à essayer... j'en ai jamais mangé (à moins que les Cracker Jack ça compte) il va falloir commencer un jour!

Creative Classroom Core said...

Yum! This looks delicious!

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